Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Some practice questions for Ratio

As quite a number of you did not manage to copy down or write out the questions in class today, I will be posting only the questions now for you to practise. I will post the solutions tomorrow so that you can check against your own answers. If you do not have the time to try them out at home, at least do take a look at how I present my answers (take note of the format). It is the standard I expect from you guys.

Q1. The number of beads in bag A to the number of beads in bag B is 9 : 5. There are 423 beads in bag A. How many fewer beads are there in bag B than in bag A?

Q2. Amy, Brenda and Celine shared 216 coins in the ratio 4 : 3 : 5. How many coins did Amy receive?

Q3. Express the ratio of 25 min to 1 h 20 min in its simplest form.

I'm putting up 3 questions for now, since you have the Remediation worksheet as your home practice for today. Please complete Pages 1 to 6 of the Remediation worksheet. See you guys tomorrow in class, and enjoy solving! :)

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