Monday, April 12, 2010

James Blunt - "My Triangle" song

Telly Monster: James! James! As soon as I heard you needed me I dropped everything! Well, almost everything! (Telly throws away the baseball he is holding) So, whats the problem? I'm here for you buddy!
James: Telly, I've lost something very special to me, and I think you're the only one who'll understand.
Telly Monster: Oh no, what did you lose?
James: Well, I can't really talk about it, but I can sing about it....

(The music to "You're Beautiful" starts to play)

This shape was brilliant

This shape was brilliant.
This shape was pure.
I saw three angles.
Of that I'm sure.
And I saw three pointy corners.
And then I saw three straight sides.
The top was very narrow and,
the base was all so wide.

Telly Monster: Wait, that sounds like...

A Triangle, My Triangle.
Oh Triangle it's true.
I saw your shape in a crowded place,
Now I don't know what to do,
Cos you're gone and I'm so blue.

I searched low and high,
over earth and sky,
but I can't find you Triangle,
Tell me why?
And I miss your base,
And I miss your height.
And my dreams are triangular every night.

My Triangle, My Triangle.
Telly Monster: So beautiful it's true.
Telly Monster: It must be those angles, put a smile on your face,
Telly Monster: Not to mention the hypotenuse.
But I need to know the truth,
Telly Monster & James: Oh Triangle where are you?

**hypotenuse is the slanted side of a right-angle triangle.**


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